Saturday 6 July 2013


Colonel Stars & Stripes (Kick Ass 2).

Jim won't be signing up for a Tarantino movie anytime soon...

This from Jim Carrey on Twitter:

"I did Kick-ass a month before Sandy Hook and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence... My apologies to others involved with the film. I am not ashamed of it but recent events have caused a change in my heart.

Oh, get over yourself. Stop courting publicity- if you really feel that bad about it, why not give away your paycheck to charity?

Talk about ungrateful. Jim, you should just be glad of the work, because (and let's face it), you're hardly in demand at the moment, are you?

So, for my next question: do movies encourage real-life violence?

Let's have your thoughts on the matter...

Me personally, I don't think so. Surely if films do have an impact on those who watch them, then it wouldn't just be the violent ones that influence our behavior? We'd be inundated by lovers chasing after departing trains, bursting out into musical numbers in the street, setting up hotels for their cats, or performing brave and heroic deeds while dressed in spandex? Perhaps, at their worse, and as Wes Craven alluded to in the very first Scream film, violent films make psychopaths 'more creative'- but that's such a small population of the planet, and these sick fucks were always going to go out and commit heinous crimes, regardless of what they did or didn't see on the TV. Pedophiles, rapists and serial-killers aren't a modern phenomenon, they predate the TV by some time- Jack The Ripper didn't need to watch Hostel to gut hookers, and Richard 'The Lionheart' didn't launch the Third Crusade after having his mind warped by re-watching Child's' Play 3. Josef Fritzl was in no way inspired by re-runs of Reservoir Dogs or The Evil Dead...

If anything, most violent (realistically violent) films put me off the idea of conflict, as they should. I certainly didn't finish watching the first Kick-Ass deciding I wanted to go out and take on the Mafia, or "cap" some innocent kids...

Welcome to the World we live in, it's not always a very nice place.

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